Endeit Capital launches new €250m fund for tech scale-ups

Blog 2 minutes read April 2021
ndeit Capital launches new €250m fund for tech scale-ups

Founder Hubert Deitmers explains the need for a robust European tech sector

With its third and largest investment fund, Endeit Capital aims to support scale-up companies that accelerate Europe’s digital transformation and strengthen the continent’s digital sovereignty. Over the next few years, the Dutch-German growth capital firm will invest €250 million euro in scale-ups that Europe needs to reach digital maturity.

As one of Europe’s leading tech scale-up investors, Endeit raised the capital for its new fund in record time. Although early-stage capital is currently at record levels, there is a clear lack of later-stage venture capital in Europe. As one of the first major internet investors in Europe, Endeit intends to meet this demand. To date, the company has invested over €250 million euro in thirty-five companies over the past fifteen years, in the Benelux, DACH-region, UK and the Nordics. With Endeit Fund III, Endeit increased its overall capital raised to over €0,5 billion and doubles its investments in the tech sector.

The fund was raised by a comprehensive mix of entrepreneurs, family offices, institutional investors, and the partners of Endeit themselves. Also, ten entrepreneurs that Endeit had previously invested in are now investors themselves.

The central idea behind Endeit Fund III is to support those internet companies in Europe that help to foster and develop the innovation potential and digital maturity of Europe, especially in face of global superpowers such as the US and China.

Endeit Capital specializes in investing in tech scale-ups that have outgrown the start-up phase. Endeit supports these companies with capital and management guidance to reach maturity. Founder and managing partner Hubert Deitmers explains: ’We have a real contribution to make. As fundamental shifts in technology happen, a spirit of invention and purpose is required – we support those internet entrepreneurs who can drive the change to make Europe more competitive and who have the ambition to become global market leaders.’

The need for investment in the European tech sector has never been greater, Deitmers adds: ‘The next generation of European internet companies will be accelerated by core technologies, like machine learning, AI and quantum computing. These are the technologies that will fundamentally change the world. We are deeply convinced that we need to develop this knowledge within Europe and want to help ensure that European companies developing these technologies find the right environment in their home markets, rather than outside of Europe. There is huge potential in building European winners who scale globally, taking a massive share of the respective market. We have grown global market leaders out of Europe before. To foster this digital maturity, we see and seek the opportunity in funding and growing great teams in Europe that build global market leaders on these core technologies.’

Wendy Horlings
Office & Event Manager

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