Video Technology Platform Unruly Opens Asian HQ In Singapore

News 3 minutes read March 2014

Aggressive expansion planned in the region to give advertisers in the world’s fastest growing ad market full access to latest in social video technology

Unruly, the global platform for social video marketing, today stepped up its expansion into Asia-Pacific by announcing it is to open a regional HQ in Singapore.

Unruly, which works with 60% of Interbrand’s Top 100 Best Global Brands to help predict the virality of their ads and get their videos shared and viewed online, is expanding its operations in Asia to provide senior marketers and agencies in the territory with greater access to the latest in social video distribution, predictive technology and cloud-based social analytics.

The move marks the video tech platform’s continuing investment and aggressive acceleration into the Asian market, where video ad spend is projected to grow at a rate of 37.5% CAGR year on year (source: PwC). Unruly’s social video products have been established in the region since 2008, delivering over 150 video campaigns to date for brands such as Samsung, Unilever, P&G, Hyundai and LG remotely from its offices in Europe and North America.

The new Asian HQ, which officially opens on April 7, means that more agencies and brand marketers in Asia-Pacific will have access to Unruly’s engaged audience of more than a billion consumers worldwide (source: ComScore) via its distribution platform.

Unruly is planning to follow up the Singapore launch with further expansion in key Asia Pacific markets over the next 12 months.

“Singapore is a hub for the creative industry, offering a wealth of talented people, world-class infrastructure and access to rapidly growing markets,” explained Scott Button, founder and CEO at Unruly. “It’s the cornerstone of our rapid expansion plan in Asia.”

The social video marketing company already has 12 offices around the world, including London, New York, San Francisco, Hamburg and Paris. Unruly’s EMEA MD Phil Townend, a former Director of Digital Marketing at Virgin Media, will be relocating from London to Singapore to lead the regional roll-out in his new role as Unruly APAC MD.

“In order to put our customers first and to be able to offer both global and localised regional campaigns, we want to reach further and faster than anyone else – both in terms of media relationships and client services,” said Townend, who before joining Unruly was the Commercial Director of European video technology firm InSkin Media.

“Many large brands are headquartered in Asia and it’s a massive growth market for many advertisers. I’m delighted to be given the opportunity to help brands take advantage of the exclusive reach and engagement which social video offers.

“Forty per cent of internet users are situated in Asia-Pacific and video is the fastest growing ad format worldwide (source: ComScore). This means there is a massive opportunity for social video to grow exponentially in the region. And Asians are avid social video consumers. Average share rates for branded videos across the world are 1.31%, but across Asia it’s 2.44% (Source: Unruly).”

Unruly’s key products across the full range of mobile, tablet and other second screen devices include:

Unruly ShareRank™: Unruly ShareRank™ is a ground-breaking product, developed in collaboration with research institutions and leading academics to meet the seemingly impossible desire to predict a ‘viral’ hit. The algorithm is now being trained specifically for South-East Asian audiences to measure and predict consumers’ emotional responses to branded video content;

Unruly Activate™: Launched in 2007, Unruly Activate™ is the most powerful and established social video distribution and tracking technology platform in the industry. Built specifically for social video marketing and designed to activate the Open Web, it has delivered, tracked and audited 3.58 billion video views across 3,500 social video campaigns, reaching an audience of more than a billion connected consumers;

Unruly Analytics™: With 6 billion customizable data points tracking 2,500 brands and counting, our cloud-hosted social analytics dashboard Unruly Analytics helps advertisers identify trending content and see what’s worked for their competitors.

UNRULY, UNRULY VIRAL VIDEO CHART, UNRULY ACTIVATE, UNRULY SHARERANK, UNRULY ANALYTICS and logos and associated marks are trademarks of Unruly Group. Other marks are owned by their respective owners.

Wendy Horlings
Office & Event Manager

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