Cologne-Gemini Film joins Eyeworks

News 4 minutes read October 2010

Cologne‐Gemini Film, one of the leading German TV drama and film producers, has partnered up with international production company Eyeworks. By joining forces, Eyeworks and Cologne‐Gemini intend to generate creative synergies in the development of new TV drama and films, for both the German and international market. Founded in 1988, Cologne‐Gemini is one of the most experienced independent TV drama and film production companies in the German‐speaking market.

Cologne‐Gemini has been active in the German TV market (Cologne Film) and the international TV and film market (Gemini Film) for 20 years. Next to sitcoms (Das Amt for RTL) and various entertainment formats (Mitternachtsspitzen – in cooperation with Pro GmbH, Was liest Du? and Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod) Cologne Film primarily produces TV drama series such as top rating crime movies Wilsberg, Marie, crime comedy series Unser Mann im Süden for ZDF and drama series Schwarzwaldhof for ARD. Cologne Film has also produced more than 60 TV movies such as recently Die Katze for NDR, Alter vor Schönheit for ZDF, Ihr Könnt Euch niemals sicher sein for WDR and Die Masche mit der Liebe and 3 Frauen und ein Baby for Sat.1.

Gemini Film has produced approximately 50 mainly English speaking TV movies and feature films for the international TV market, including Boat Trip (with Cuba Gooding jr. and Roger Moore and a worldwide turn‐over of more than $100 million). Most recent project Berlin `36 will be brought to German cinemas in autumn 2009.
Micha Terjung, Managing Director Cologne‐Gemini Film: “We are looking forward to working together with Eyeworks in the development of new drama series for the German market by exchanging ideas and experiences within the group. This way we will be able to strengthen our position in Germany as well as making our creativity travel around the globe and to bring Eyeworks’ scripted catalogue to the German market”.

Reinout Oerlemans, CEO Eyeworks: “With Eyeworks we have been active in Germany since 2003. Our current German office is a successful entertainment company, producing various non‐scripted shows for all major networks. The scripted genre is growing step by step into more and more of an anchor for the Eyeworks group. We are currently working on scripted activities in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, New Zealand and the US. With Cologne‐Gemini joining us we have taken another big step into the important German market. Benefiting from their extensive experience and talented management team we will focus on a creative synergy within the group and the development of new series, for both the German and international market.”

About Cologne ‐ Gemini
Cologne‐Gemini Film, founded in 1988 by Micha Terjung‐Schmidt and Gerhard Schmidt, has been active with Cologne Film Production in the German TV market and with Gemini Film on the international TV and film market for 20 years. Next to Sitcoms (“Das Amt”) and entertainment formats (“Der Dativ ist dem Genetiv sein Tod”, “Mitternachtsspitzen” – in cooperation with Pro GmbH, “Was liest Du?”) Cologne Film primarily produces TV series such as the crime thrillers “Wilsberg” (with Leonard Lansink), “Marie” (with Mariele Millowitsch), “Unser Mann im Süden” (with Fritz Wepper) for ZDF as well as “Schwarzwaldhof” for ARD. Cologne Film has also produced more than 60 TV movies such as recently “Die Katze” (Götz George, Hannelore Hoger for NDR), “Alter vor Schönheit” for ZDF (Fritz Wepper), “Ihr Könnt Euch niemals sicher sein”, WDR (Ludwig Trebte, Anneke Kim Sarnau) as well as for Sat.1 “Die Masche mit der Liebe” (Anja Kling) and “3 Frauen und ein Baby”. Gemini Film has produced approximately 50 mainly English speaking TV movies and feature films, such as the “Mary Higgins Clark Collection”, the “Konsalik Collection” and soon to come the “Georges Simenon Collection” for the international TV market. Feature films include “My friend Joe” (with Schuyler Fisk and Joel Grey, Berlinale winner 1996), “Pizza Colonia” (with Mario Adorf and Willy Millowitsch, 2 National Film Prices), “Alles über Bob” (Martina Gedeck, Gregor Törsz) “Boat Trip” (with Cuba Gooding jr. and Roger Moore, worldwide turn‐over of more than 100 million $) “Lornas Schweigen” of the Brothers Dardenne (Award for Best Screenplay, Cannes 2008) as well as currently “Berlin `36” (WT) with Karoline Herfurth, Sebastian Urzendowsky and Axel Prahl directed by Kaspar Heidelbach, which will be brought to German cinemas by X‐Film in autumn 2009. Cologne‐Gemini is based in Cologne, Germany and is working with 20 employees as well as more than hundred freelancers. The company is headed by Micha Terjung, Sabine de Mardt, Gerhard Schmidt and Stefan Lux.

Reinout Oerlemans, CEO Eyeworks: “. With Cologne‐Gemini joining us we have taken another big step into the important German market. Benefiting from their extensive experience and talented management team we will focus on a creative synergy within the group and the development of new series, for both the German and international market.”

Wendy Horlings
Office & Event Manager

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