Actian and Unruly Media Bring Big Data to Social Video

News 2 minutes read April 2012

Unruly’s Proprietary Social Video Technology Platform Can Now Deliver Campaign Data At Unprecedented Speeds.

Actian Corporation today announced that Unruly Media has selected Vectorwise, the world’s fastest and most cost-effective analytical database, to provide rapid big data analytics and interactive reporting to its clients, empowering them to take real-time decisions and actions.

Unruly has already delivered, tracked and audited 1.34 billion video views and executed 1,400+ successful social video campaigns for global brands, who use Unruly’s proprietary platform to deliver, track and analyse social media engagement and brand interaction.

Launched as part of Unruly’s Social Video+ programme, Vectorwise allows Unruly to build on its existing proprietary platform to run real-time analytics and queries without the need for costly hardware. The database allows Unruly clients and campaign execs to cut through data at lightning speed to deliver insight and intelligence, analyse key trends and enable real-time campaign optimisation against client KPIs.

With Unruly set to aggressively grow its developer headcount and revenues in 2012, Vectorwise will play an integral role as the company scales its global presence and technology platform to meet the exponential growth in demand from brands requiring social video advertising.

Unruly CTO and co-founder, Matt Cooke, said: “Using Vectorwise we can provide a deep, rich analysis of business data based on any requirements a user may have. We are producing reports to help with strategic decision-making, based on 10 billion events. Before using Vectorwise this took up to a whole night of data processing. Now it takes our campaign managers less than half-a-second to access the data for themselves. The ability to get this performance without having to do complex hardware scaling is a key advantage and there was no comparable solution that could achieve the data analytics speed and performance we can now offer with Vectorwise.”

Unruly’s Planning Director, Dan Best, said: “Pulling benchmarking data across verticals such as automotive, sport and entertainment used to require manual queries and took several minutes to compile. This is no longer the case.
“Vectorwise enables real-time optimisation to ensure that brands using Unruly’s platform are outperforming competitors in the social video space. The benefits of this technology will be evident in the build-up to the London 2012 Olympics as the big brands battle for share of voice.”

Steve Shine, CEO, Actian, said: “Unruly’s business is driven by data and its data is driven by Actian Vectorwise. The sheer scale of data performance gains, coupled with the ability to execute on commodity hardware means that this business enjoys the benefits of industry-leading data performance.
“Once again Vectorwise proves that big data analytics has the power to deliver results for high-growth, agile companies.”

Wendy Horlings
Office & Event Manager

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