3 weeks ago 4 minutes read Blog
Interview with Carin about her journey from code to capital

From Code to Capital: Carin’s tech-infused VC path in the Nordic fintech scene

last month 3 minutes read Blog
Walk with ME Endeit

Behind the scenes of an Endeit internship: Marie Hammermeister shares her experience

last month 6 minutes read Blog
Philipp Schroeder article

Outbound deal flow generation – Philipp Schroeder’s learnings from years of proactive segment analyses

last month 4 minutes read Blog
Team Floryn

How are things with Floryn? 4 years after Endeit’s investment

June 2024 5 minutes read Blog
Supply chain trends 2024

Supply chain trends – part 2: Gaining control over supply chains

June 2024 4 minutes read Blog
Thor Olof Founder Stravito

How are things with Stravito? 3 years after Endeit’s investment

May 2024 6 minutes read Blog
Blog Supply Chain Nearshoring

Supply chain trends – part 1: the spotlight on nearshoring

May 2024 4 minutes read Blog
Beyond numbers with Soulaimene

Beyond numbers: Integrating ESG into financial frameworks

April 2024 4 minutes read Blog
Berlin startup bubble

Sophie’s key learnings from 6 months in Berlin’s startup bubble

April 2024 5 minutes read Blog
Gen AI tech stack companies

The tech stack of Generative AI and its investment opportunities

February 2024 10 minutes read Blog
Martijn Hamann & Remy Gieling together

AI Expedition: European entrepreneurs explore Silicon Valley


January 2024 4 minutes read Blog
Founder Hubert Deitmers

The story of Hubert Deitmers, founder of Endeit Capital: saying ‘no’ and maintaining focus

“The success of scale-ups often comes down to daring to say no.” 

January 2024 7 minutes read Blog
Carbon Accounting Header Image

Endeit’s perspective: key insights and investment criteria in carbon accounting scale-ups

Endeit is actively exploring opportunities in the climate tech sector. Today, we will delve into the topic of carbon accounting and management.

November 2023 8 minutes read Blog
Martijn Hamann and Olya Klueppel

Fuelling scale-ups: creating synergy between Venture Capital and Venture Debt

November 2023 3 minutes read Blog
7 tips by Edwin Hengstmengel

Launching your business in the USA: 7 tips from partner Edwin Hengstmengel


March 2022 12 minutes read Blog

Why we invested in Sharpist

February 2022 4 minutes read Blog

Intelligent Empowerment ventures: four company success stories

November 2021 3 minutes read Blog
Endeit’s outlook on Intelligent Empowerment

Endeit’s outlook on Intelligent Empowerment

In a recent blog Hubert Deitmers shared with you that Endeit Capital has become founding partner of AI.nl, a new Dutch platform for the Intelligent Empowerment community. After the launch of this new platform, it’s time to share you more about our outlook at Endeit Capital on Intelligent Empowerment technologies.

October 2021 2 minutes read Blog
Building the AI community

Building the AI community

Endeit Capital recently became founding partner of AI.nl, a new Dutch platform for the Intelligent Empowerment community founded by Remy Gieling. The new website discusses the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and quantum computing.

May 2021 4 minutes read Blog
Endeit Power Woman

10 scale-up tips for creating diverse teams, working remotely and leadership


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Phone +31 20 794 7777
Email info@endeit.com

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20354 Hamburg

Phone +49 408 740 7981

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114 56 Stockholm

Phone +46 843 73 78 17

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